I was featured on wissenschaftskommunikation.de
I was featured on the German website wissenschaftskommunikation.de in the “Job Profile” category (Feb 28th, 2020). It is about how I got into science communication and what I have learned from it:
I am a neuroscientist from Germany with a background in biology. I was awarded a doctorate at Bielefeld University (Germany) in 2010. Currently I work in Portugal as a postdoctoral fellow. I am specialized in sensory processing in vertebrates and animal behavior, further touching on cognitive aspects such as depth perception, memory formation, modulation of brain state and awareness. My studies involve in vivo electrophysiology and optical imaging aswell as video tracking of behavior. I blog about science, specificaly neuroscience, and the scientific community. You can contact me directly using the contact form.
I was featured on the German website wissenschaftskommunikation.de in the “Job Profile” category (Feb 28th, 2020). It is about how I got into science communication and what I have learned from it:
As I just moved to Germany, I am joining the science communication scene, here. So, I went to a German science communication conference: “Forum Wissenschaftskommunikation” or “Forum Science Communication”. I could only afford one out of three days but I still found out a couple of things.
I proudly present my first collaboration with German SciComm YouTuber Dr. Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim! Besides running one of Germany’s biggest channels for science communication with currently 570k subscribers, Dr. Nguyen-Kim also moderates the successful science show “Quarks” on public TV. She has been awarded several highly prestigious prizes over the last two years. Using Elon …
In July I participated in the German science web video contest “Fast Forward Science”. In this video I explain the concept of the “brain changes” that people keep talking about in the headlines: brain states, and neuroplasticity. The video is in German, but you can switch on English subtitles. P.S. Unfortunately the video did not …
One of my pet peeves with academia is the treatment of PhD students and postdocs which I feel borders(?) on exploitation. I talked with Maria Pinto, who is from Portugal and is currently PhD student in Austria in marine microbiology for my podcast “Science for Societal Progress”. Looking forward to her final year as a …
Insecurity and Uncertainties for Early Career Academics (SfP podcast episode)